English Composition I (ENG 101)

Term: 2019-2020 - Summer Semester


Rasheeda V BrownShow MyInfo popup for Rasheeda V Brown
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Kevin D. TrumpeterShow MyInfo popup for Kevin D. Trumpeter
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Fri, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (6/11/2020 - 7/20/2020) Location: ONLIN ONLIN


This course offers training in expository writing with an emphasis upon sentence structure, mechanics, paragraph and organization. Students must earn a grade of "C" or above to receive credit for the course.

English Composition I (ENG 101)

Term: 2019-2020 - Summer Semester


Rasheeda V BrownShow MyInfo popup for Rasheeda V Brown
Email address is hidden, click here to email
Kevin D. TrumpeterShow MyInfo popup for Kevin D. Trumpeter
Email address is hidden, click here to email


Fri, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (6/11/2020 - 7/20/2020) Location: ONLIN ONLIN


This course offers training in expository writing with an emphasis upon sentence structure, mechanics, paragraph and organization. Students must earn a grade of "C" or above to receive credit for the course.